Which are the top 10 countries in gold reserves?

The price of gold worldwide is continuously increasing. People hoard gold to maintain economic viability and to have a backup in times of trouble. Similarly, every country also maintains reserves of gold. According to a Forbes India report from March 2024, the World Gold Council released the list of top 10 countries based on their gold reserves in the fourth quarter of 2023. Let’s explore interesting information about the countries on this list, including India’s ranking and its gold reserve figures.

Top 10 countries in gold reserves

Forbes released the list of countries with the highest gold reserves in March 2024. The top 10 countries and their gold reserves are as follows:

1. United States: 8,133.49 tonnes

2. Germany: 3,352.65 tonnes

3. Italy: 2,451.84 tonnes

4. France: 2,436.88 tonnes

5. Russia: 2,332.74 tonnes

6. China: 2,191.53 tonnes

7. Switzerland: 1,040 tonnes

8. Japan: 845.97 tonnes

9. India: 800.78 tonnes

10. Netherlands: 612.45 tonnes

These figures reflect the respective countries’ gold reserves as reported by Forbes.

Gold Reserves of India

India ranks ninth in the world in terms of gold reserves, with a total of 806.7 tonnes of gold. According to a report from the World Gold Council, India’s gold reserve is continuously increasing. If this trend persists, India is expected to enter the top 5 countries in a few years. It’s worth noting that India’s gold reserves have more than doubled since 2001 when it stood at 357.5 tonnes, reaching the current figure by June 2023.”

Why does every country keep gold reserves?

Indeed, countries maintain gold reserves for several reasons:

Store of Value

Gold is considered a reliable store of value over time, preserving wealth even during economic uncertainties.

Economic Stability

Gold reserves provide a buffer during economic downturns, offering stability and confidence to financial markets.

Currency Support

Gold reserves can be used to support the value of a country’s currency, either directly or indirectly, boosting confidence in its stability.

Overall, gold reserves serve as a strategic asset for countries, offering a hedge against various economic risks and uncertainties.

The cheapest gold is found in these countries

Hong Kong

Being the world’s largest trading hub, Hong Kong offers relatively cheaper gold compared to other countries due to its global market presence.


Dubai ranks second on this list. Gold in Dubai is cheaper because the government does not impose VAT on it.


Mexico is third on the list and is renowned worldwide for its gold coins. The price of gold here is relatively lower compared to other countries.


Ranked fourth, Bhutan imposes no taxes on gold, resulting in lower prices. This attracts visitors to purchase gold while in the country.


Switzerland is fifth on the list and is well-known for its gold refineries. This results in comparatively lower prices for gold compared to other countries.

How much gold is left on Earth?

According to a 2020 report by the US Geological Survey, Earth is estimated to contain around 50,000 tons of gold reserves. Approximately 190,000 tonnes of gold are yet to be mined. Notably, South Africa’s Witwatersrand Basin has been the largest source of gold mining, contributing to 30 percent of the world’s gold production. The world’s largest gold mine is located in Nevada, USA.

Scientists have proposed an intriguing theory suggesting that there may be even more gold in Earth’s core than what is currently known. They suggest that the amount of gold in Earth’s core could be large enough to cover the entire Earth with a layer 4 meters thick. However, accessing the Earth’s core is currently impossible, making it difficult to verify this theory.


The global demand for gold remains robust, with its price steadily increasing over time. This precious metal serves not only as a symbol of wealth but also as a strategic asset for individuals and nations alike, providing economic stability and security during times of uncertainty. The recent release of the top 10 countries with the highest gold reserves underscores the importance of gold as a valuable asset. India’s growing gold reserves reflect its rising prominence in the global market. Furthermore, the availability of relatively cheaper gold in certain countries highlights the diverse factors influencing gold prices worldwide. As we continue to mine and explore for gold, the Earth’s vast potential reserves remain a tantalizing prospect, with ongoing scientific research shedding light on the possibility of even greater quantities lying deep within our planet.


1. What is gold?

Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au and atomic number 79. It is a dense, soft, yellow metal that is highly valued for its luster, beauty, and rarity.

2. Why is gold valuable?

Gold is valuable due to its rarity, durability, and unique properties such as conductivity and malleability. It has been used as a form of currency and a symbol of wealth for thousands of years.

3. How is gold formed?

Gold is primarily formed through supernova nucleosynthesis, a process that occurs during the explosion of massive stars. It is then brought to the Earth’s surface through geological processes such as erosion and volcanic activity.

4. Where is gold found?

Gold is found in various parts of the world, including South Africa, Australia, Russia, the United States, and Canada. It can be found in underground mines, riverbeds, and alluvial deposits.

5. How is gold mined?

Gold is typically mined through either underground mining or open-pit mining techniques. Underground mining involves tunnels and shafts to access deep deposits, while open-pit mining involves removing layers of soil and rock to expose gold-bearing ore.

6. What are the uses of gold?

Gold has a wide range of uses, including jewelry, electronics, dentistry, medical devices, and investment. It is also used in aerospace technology, nanotechnology, and as a symbol of wealth and prestige.

7. Is gold a good investment?

   – Gold is often considered a safe-haven investment during times of economic uncertainty and inflation. It can provide diversification and stability to an investment portfolio.

8. What factors influence the price of gold?

   – Several factors influence the price of gold, including supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical events, central bank policies, inflation rates, and currency movements.

9. How is the purity of gold measured?

   – The purity of gold is measured in karats (K) or fineness. Karats represent the ratio of pure gold to other metals in a gold alloy, with 24K being pure gold. Fineness is expressed as a percentage, with 100% being pure gold.

10. What is the difference between 24K, 22K, and 18K gold?

24K gold is pure gold, while 22K gold contains 22 parts gold and 2 parts other metals. 18K gold contains 18 parts gold and 6 parts other metals. The higher the karat, the higher the gold content and the softer the metal.

11. Can gold tarnish or corrode?

Pure gold does not tarnish or corrode, but it can become dull or scratched over time due to wear and tear. Gold alloys with lower purity may tarnish or corrode if exposed to certain chemicals or environmental conditions.

12. How can I test if gold is real?

Several methods can be used to test the authenticity of gold, including acid testing, electronic testing, and magnetic testing. Professional jewelers and appraisers can also provide accurate assessments.

13. What is gold mining’s environmental impact?

Gold mining can have significant environmental impacts, including habitat destruction, soil erosion, water pollution, and deforestation. Sustainable mining practices and responsible environmental management are crucial for minimizing these impacts.

14. Are there ethical concerns with gold mining?

Yes, there are ethical concerns related to gold mining, including human rights abuses, child labor, and conflict financing in certain regions. Responsible sourcing initiatives and certification programs aim to address these concerns and promote ethical practices in the gold supply chain.

15. Can gold be recycled?

Yes, gold can be recycled and reused indefinitely without losing its quality or purity. Recycling gold reduces the need for new mining and helps conserve natural resources.

16. What is the largest gold nugget ever found?

The largest gold nugget ever found is the Welcome Stranger, discovered in 1869 in Victoria, Australia. It weighed 2,520 troy ounces (78 kilograms) and measured approximately 24 inches (61 centimeters) in length.

17. Is gold used in technology?

Yes, gold is used extensively in electronics and technology due to its excellent conductivity and corrosion resistance. It is used in circuit boards, connectors, wires, and other electronic components.

18. Can gold be synthesized or created artificially?

While gold can be synthesized in laboratory settings through nuclear reactions, the process is highly complex, expensive, and impractical for commercial purposes. Most gold is obtained through traditional mining methods.

19. What is the gold standard?

The gold standard is a monetary system in which the value of a country’s currency is directly linked to a specific quantity of gold. While the gold standard has been largely abandoned by modern economies, it played a significant role in international finance during the 19th and early 20th centuries.

20. What is Fort Knox, and why is it famous?

Fort Knox is a United States Army post located in Kentucky, USA, that serves as a storage facility for the nation’s gold reserves. It is famous for housing a significant portion of the country’s gold bullion and is heavily guarded by the U.S. government.

21. What drives the global demand for gold?

The global demand for gold is driven by its status as a symbol of wealth, its historical significance, and its role as a strategic asset during times of economic uncertainty.

22. Why is gold considered a strategic asset for individuals and nations?

Gold is considered a strategic asset because it provides economic stability and security, serving as a hedge against inflation, currency devaluation, and geopolitical risks.

23. What does the recent release of the top 10 countries with the highest gold reserves signify?

The release of the top 10 countries with the highest gold reserves highlights the importance of gold as a valuable asset and underscores the significance of gold reserves for national economies and financial stability.

24. What does India’s growing gold reserves indicate?

India’s growing gold reserves indicate its increasing prominence in the global market and its recognition of gold as a valuable asset for economic stability and security.

25. Why is gold relatively cheaper in certain countries?

Gold is relatively cheaper in certain countries due to factors such as market dynamics, taxation policies, and local demand-supply conditions, which can vary from one region to another.

26. What factors influence gold prices worldwide?

   – Gold prices worldwide are influenced by factors such as supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical events, central bank policies, inflation rates, and currency movements.

27. How do ongoing scientific research efforts impact the search for gold?

Ongoing scientific research efforts shed light on the Earth’s potential gold reserves and the possibility of discovering even greater quantities of gold deep within the planet, fueling continued exploration and mining efforts.

28. What role does gold play in times of economic uncertainty?

   – In times of economic uncertainty, gold serves as a safe-haven asset, providing stability and security to investors and serving as a store of value against market volatility and financial instability.

29. Why is gold considered a symbol of wealth?

Gold is considered a symbol of wealth due to its rarity, beauty, and intrinsic value, as well as its historical significance as a form of currency and status symbol.

30. How does gold contribute to economic stability?

Gold contributes to economic stability by serving as a reliable store of value, providing liquidity and stability to financial markets, and supporting currency values through central bank reserves and monetary policie

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