Decanters are used for the separation of two immiscible liquids of different densities from one another. This process is called decantation.
The difference in densities of two immiscible liquids is responsible for such a separation.
Separating two immiscible liquids often relies on the density difference of the phases involved. This process is commonly encountered in mass transfer operations such as liquid-liquid extraction.
Types of Decanters
There are mainly two types of decanters used for the separation of two immiscible liquids.
- Gravity Decanter
- Centrifugal Decanter
Continuous Gravity Decanter
A gravity decanter separates two immiscible liquids. It is used when the difference between the densities of the two liquids is large.
The feed mixture consists of two liquids entering at one end of the separator. The two liquids flow slowly through the vessel. They separate into two layers. They discharge through overflow lines at the other end of the separator.
The overflow lines in the decanter are very large. Thus, frictional resistance to the flow of the liquids is negligible. Liquids discharge at the same pressure as that in the gas space above the liquid in the vessel. The performance of the decanter can be analyzed by the principles of fluid statics.

For the decanter shown in Figure.
Let the density of the heavy liquid be ρA and the density of the light liquid be ρB.
The depth of the layer of heavy liquid is ZA1 and that of the light liquid is ZB.
The total depth of liquid in the vessel ZT is determined by the position of the overflow line. This overflow line is for the light liquid.
Heavy liquid flows out through an overflow leg at the bottom of the vessel. It rises to a height ZA2 above the vessel floor.
The overflow lines and the top of the vessel are all vented to the atmosphere.
There is negligible frictional resistance to flow in the discharge lines. The column of heavy liquid in the heavy-liquid overflow leg must balance the depth of the two liquids. This depth is somewhat greater in the vessel.
A hydrostatic balance leads to the equation
Solving equation (1) for
Equation (2) shows that the position of the liquid-liquid interface in the separator depends on the ratio of the densities of the two liquids. Also depends on the elevations of the overflow lines. It is independent of the rates of flow of the liquids.
Equation (2) shows that as approaches
. The position of the interface becomes very sensitive to changes in
, the height of the heavy-liquid leg. With liquids that differ widely in density, this height is not critical. However, with liquids of nearly the same density, it must be set with care. The top of the leg is often designed to be movable. This allows it to be adjusted during service. These adjustments ensure the best separation.
The size of a decanter is established by the time required for separation. This time depends on the difference between the densities of the two liquids. It also depends on the viscosity of the continuous phase. Provided the liquids are clean and do not form emulsions, the separation time is estimated from the empirical equation.
Where, t = separation time (hours), = densities of liquids A and B, kg/m3,
= viscosity of the continuous phase (cP).
Equation (3) is not dimensionless, and the indicated units must be used.
Successful operation of a decanter depends on both the sedimentation and the coalescence of the dispersed phase. Equation (3) gives poor results if the liquids to be separated are not clean. These liquids contain particulates or polymeric films, reducing the rate of coalescence. Such contaminants also lead to the formation of a dirty layer of uncoalesced droplets-called a “rag”-at the liquid-liquid interface. Coalescing devices such as beds of porous solids, membranes, or high-voltage fields are often necessary for a satisfactory separation. With cleaner liquids, the size of a decanter can often be greatly reduced by putting in horizontal or slightly inclined pipes or flat plates, so that the heavy-phase droplets need to fall only a short distance before reaching a layer of the heavy liquid.
Centrifugal Decanter
When the difference between the densities of the two liquids is small, the force of gravity may be too weak to separate the liquids in a reasonable time. The separation may then be accomplished in a liquid-liquid centrifuge, shown diagrammatically in Figure below.

It consists of a cylindrical metal bowl, usually mounted vertically, that rotates about its axis at high speed. In Figure (a) the bowl is at rest and contains a quantity of two immiscible liquids of differing densities. The heavy liquid forms a layer on the floor of the bowl beneath a layer of light liquid. If the bowl is now rotated, as in Figure (b), the heavy liquid forms a layer, denoted as zone A in the figure, next to the inside wall of the bowl. A layer of light liquid, denoted as zone B, forms inside the layer of heavy liquid. A cylindrical interface of radius ri separates the two layers. Since the force of gravity can be neglected in comparison with the much greater centrifugal force, this interface is vertical. It is called the neutral zone.
In the operation of the machine, the feed is admitted continuously near the bottom of the bowl. Light liquid discharges at point 2 through ports near the axis of the bowl; heavy liquid passes under a ring, inward toward the axis of rotation, and discharges over a dam at point 1. If there is negligible frictional resistance to the flow of the liquids as they leave the bowl, the position of the liquid-liquid interface is established by a hydrostatic balance and the relative “heights” (radial distances from the axis) of the overflow ports at 1 and 2.
Assume that the heavy liquid, of density overflows the dam at radius rA, and the light liquid, of density
, leaves through ports at radius rB. Then if both liquids rotate with the bowl and friction is negligible, the pressure difference in the light liquid between rB and ri must equal that in the heavy liquid between rA and ri. The principle is the same as in a continuous gravity decanter.
Where pi = pressure at the liquid-liquid interface, PB = pressure at the free surface of the light liquid at rB, PA =pressure at the free surface of the heavy liquid at rA
We know,
Equating these pressure drops and simplifying leads to
Solving for ri gives
Equation (5) is analogous to Eq. (2) for a gravity settling tank. It shows that ri the radius of the neutral zone, is sensitive to the density ratio, especially when the ratio is nearly unity. If the densities of the fluids are too nearly alike, the neutral zone may be unstable even if the speed of rotation is sufficient to separate the liquids quickly. The difference between and
should not be less than approximately 3 percent for stable operation.
Equation (5) also shows that if rB is held constant and rA, the radius of the discharge lip for the heavier liquid, increases, and the neutral zone is shifted toward the wall of the bowl. If rA is decreased, the zone is shifted toward the axis. An increase in rB, at constant rA, also shifts the neutral zone toward the axis, and a decrease in rB causes a shift toward the wall. The position of the neutral zone is important practically. In zone A, the lighter liquid is being removed from a mass of heavier liquid, and in zone B, the heavy liquid is being stripped from a mass of light liquid. If one of the processes is more difficult than the other, more time should be provided for the more difficult step. For example, if the separation in zone B is more difficult than that in zone A, zone B should be large and zone A small. This is accomplished by moving the neutral zone toward the wall by increasing rA or decreasing rB. To obtain a larger time factor in zone A, the opposite adjustments would be made. Many centrifugal separators are so constructed that either rA or rB can be varied to control the position of the neutral zone.
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